2 de xuño de 2023
Losing Military Supremacy
Andrei Martyanov
Losing Military Supremacy (2018)
Subintitulado "The myopia of American strategic planning", este é um livro que os tudólogos da TV, que comentam chocarreiramente a guerra da OTAN contra a Rússia nas planícies ucranianas, obviamente não leram, ou preferiram ignorar. Andrei Martyanov, reconhecido especialista em assuntos militares e navais russos, era oficial da Guarda Costeira Soviética em 1990, quando assistiu à implosão da URSS. Este livro refere alguns mitos e erros comuns na habitual desvalorização da capacidade militar, tecnológica e económica da Rússia — bem como a profunda incompreensão da mentalidade e psicologia do povo russo e da sua história milenar —, que estiveram na base do presente enfrentamento (não esquecer que a primeira publicação data de 2018). Estes erros, repetidos a toda a hora nos meios de (des)informação, passam para a opinião pública um triunfalismo injustificado e perigoso, inconsciente das falhas, deficiências e limitações do lado atlantista, que podem levar, como último degrau da escalada, à guerra termonuclear.
Modern America is ill; she is not in a good place in any important metric which defines a prosperous and successful nation. Much more goes into success than mostly meaningless Wall Street economic indices and capitalization of the markets, let alone companies which produce nothing of value. It is difficult to explain to people who consider iPhones’ marketing gimmicks or another useless computer contraption in cars, or yet another wasteful feature on Facebook to be hi-tech. It is not. Money is not a good measure of human accomplishment—the new smart-phone and marijuana-addicted generation is not an indicator of any success just because they can afford yet another new model of some electronic toy, while being increasingly less educated, less knowledgeable and much less competent than the generation which preceded them. It is this generation which is already in the process of inheriting a country which in the last quarter century lost most of its appeal for the rest of the world as the bastion of democracy, human rights and sound economic model due to its hubris and the permanent wishful thinking moment it resides in. Today, any mentioning of “democracy”, “freedom of press”, of an incorruptible political class or of economic prosperity in relation to the United States will create an ironic smile at best, sarcastic laughter at worst, around the world, especially so in Russia. [...]
Pax Americana turned out to be just a figment of imagination of the American “academe” which for decades treated war and military power as merely a safe tool in the constant pushing of the American political and economic agenda on the world. This age is over. The main task today is to prevent by all means any possibility of this delusional, self-proclaimed exceptional nation unleashing Armageddon because of frustration with its own weakness which was so suddenly and brutally exposed for the whole world to see.
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