18 de xaneiro de 2025

America's Final War

Andrei Martyanov
America's Final War (2024)

Quem conhece Andrei Martyanov do seu blog “Reminiscence of the Future” ou, melhor ainda, do seu canal YouTube, estará por certo habituado às análises demolidoras que costuma fazer sobre as idiossincrasias militares dos EUA, da OTAN e seus aliados, no quadro da corrente OME sobre a Ucrânia. Os comentários dos designados “especialistas” que pululam nos meios de comunicação ocidentais são desmontados até aos alicerces, e America's Final War segue o mesmo caminho. As mentiras absurdas propaladas pela suposta “elite” através das suas caixas de ressonância nos media são expostas, deixando a descoberto a ignorância ou impreparação acerca dos assuntos tratados, por parte dos ditos “especialistas”, que os leva a confundir o pensamento mágico com a realidade, sobretudo no que toca a tecnologia militar. Martyanov denuncia-lhes o desconhecimento atroz da história, das relações internacionais, dos assuntos militares, restando-lhes a arrogância e a apologia de um injustificado mito de invencibilidade, alimentado pela industria do entretenimento.

Here is where Western corporate journalism, which should now be firmly considered as interchangeable with propaganda, fails miserably—while the combined West is in a precipitous decline, modern digital media allows practically anybody to look up any audio, image or video on the internet about the situation in the combined West, and compare with the official narratives. Long are gone the times when some opinion piece in Wall Street Journal or The Economist has been taken uncritically as the ultimate truth. The "sound basis" for Western propaganda is no more. The whole world knows what Detroit or Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia look like. Unlike during Soviet times, many Russian tourists travel extensively around the world and confirm the smell of urine in Paris or that, beyond some touristy routes, London is grey and bleak and unsafe. The economic collapse of the West cannot be hidden anymore, including the misery and desperation of people in the West manifesting itself through social ills and economic dislocation. The steadily unfolding totalitarian future also cannot be denied. In simple words, the two main vehicles of Western propaganda of the last 30+ years—material success and "democracy"—have become recognized as nothing but illusion, a make-belief Hollywood picture. But very few propaganda campaigns damaged the already largely tarnished Western image of a supreme military power that the United States wants to project as the CIA and the U.S. Army's recruitment advertisements promoting the LGBTQ+ agenda. The video about Emma, a daughter of two moms, who enlists into the U.S. Army to become one of the operators of Patriot air-defense complexes became a global phenomenon for all the wrong reasons for the United States—it was ridiculed all around the world, with Dave Rubin summarizing it very well: "We are screwed, people." The most profound indicator of a decline is when one becomes a laughingstock of the world. In 2017 Patrick Buchanan noted about U.S. decline that nobody quakes in their boots from fear of the U.S. anymore. Now in 2024 Washington and its crude propaganda are the laughingstock of the world.
Reducing all these fairly simple thoughts to an even simpler, much more fundamental cultural factor, we must stress the obvious fact that no U.S. Armed Forces person, from private to four-star general, ever fought in defense of the United States of America. The U.S. military is not just an expeditionary military, it is also imperial military which fights imperial wars of conquest and doesn't address the concept of defense of a Mother- or Fatherland in its strategic and operational documents. Thus, it cannot fight a real conventional combined war of scale against a peer or better-than-peer opponents who fight in defense of their own country. This is a fundamental cultural difference which dictates the warfare on operational and strategic levels. And this cultural and intellectual gap cannot be bridged. Thus, while the Pentagon may learn some tactical lessons or tricks—and even that is questionable due to obsolete TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment) of the NATO armies—the operational and strategic paradigms of the SMO indeed don't apply to U.S. forces, which lack moral and cultural pivot which defines the warrior of continental warfare and the way this warrior fights. The U.S. military doesn't fight in defense of America, it fights for imperial conquests only. Russian soldiers fight in defense of their homeland.
That makes the cultural, moral and spiritual imprints on Russian and American soldiers dramatically different. There are surely still competent and courageous officers and soldiers in the U.S. military, but none of them has any experience of fighting for their wives, children and relatives.
Furthermore, why should a bankrupt nation, which has failed to adapt to the new technological paradigms in warfare and which faces physical disintegration, plan for war with China, which the United States considers its main "challenger"? The only explanation is this is either wishful thinking, a desperate attempt to grasp at the last straw of greatness past without any attempt to reconsider and maybe reverse suicidal policies which brought the United States to her knees, or simply yet another effort to direct resources towards its militarized economy.
Any real war in Asia, as usual to be false flagged by the U.S., will result in the ultimate crushing of U.S. forces and a complete destruction of the United States, which only then will recognize that it has actually fought its final war.
The problem which the new de facto multipolar world faces is to make sure that America's final war doesn't become a final war for the world which U.S. elites never knew and did not want to know.

Li anteriormente:
Losing Military Supremacy (2018)