17 de agosto de 2016

Wilt on High

Tom Sharpe
Wilt on High (1984)

Na terceira dose das desventuras de Henry Wilt, reencontramos o nosso protagonista nas alhadas habituais, acompanhado das personagens já conhecidas: a sua mulher Eva, as quatro filhas gémeas, o inspector Flint, o sargento Yates, e alguns professores e funcionários da escola de adultos onde Henry tenta dar lições de literatura a alunos desinteressados.
Desta vez, a morte por overdose da filha de um lorde na escola de Wilt, à qual se junta outra morte, em circunstâncias idênticas, de um presidiário a quem Wilt proporcionava explicações de literatura, é o pretexto encontrado por Flint para pôr a investigação – mais concretamente o Inspector Hodge, dos Narcóticos, a quem despreza – no encalço de Wilt, na tentativa de exercer a sua vingança, por razões descritas nos livros anteriores da série, e simultaneamente fazer com que Hodge enfie o pé na argola.

Twenty minutes later, Eva, who had been intercepted by Mavis on her way home, drove up to the house.
'Henry,' she shouted as soon as she was inside the front door. 'You come straight down here and explain what you were doing with Mavis.'
'Sod off,' said Wilt.
'What did you say?'
'Nothing. I was just groaning.'
'No, you weren't. I distinctly heard you say something,' said Eva on her way upstairs.
Wilt got out of bed and girded his loins with the water bottle. 'Now you just listen to me,' he said before Eva could get a word in. 'I've had all I can stand from everybody, you, Mavis-moron-Mottram, that poisoner Kores, the quads and the bloody thugs who've been following me. In fact the whole fucking modern world with its emphasis on me being nice and docile and passive and everyone else doing their own thing and to hell with the consequences. (A) I am not a thing, and (B) I'm not going to be done any more. Not by you, or Mavis, or, for that matter, the damned quads. And I don't give a tuppenny stuff what received opinions you suck up like some dehydrated sponge from the hacks who write articles on progressive education and sex for geriatrics and health through fucking hemlock--'
'Hemlock's a poison. No one...' Eva began, trying to divert his fury.
'And so's the ideological codswallop you fill your head with,' shouted Wilt. 'Permissive cyanide, page three nudes for the so-called intelligentsia or video nasties for the unemployed, all fucking placebos for them that can't think or feel. And if you don't know what a placebo is, try looking it up in a dictionary.'
He paused for breath and Eva grabbed her opportunity. 'You know very well what I think about video nasties,' she said, 'I wouldn't dream of letting the girls see anything like that.'
'Right,' yelled Wilt, 'so how about letting me and Mr bleeding Gamer off the hook. Has it ever occurred to you that you've got genuine non-video actual nasties, pre-pubescent horrors, in those four daughters? Oh no, not them. They're special, they're unique, they're flipping geniuses. We mustn't do anything to retard their intellectual development, like teaching them some manners or how to behave in a civilized fashion. Oh no, we're your modern model parents holding the ring while those four ignoble little savages turn themselves into computer-addicted technocrats with about as much moral sense as Ilse Koch on a bad day.'
'Who's Ilse Koch?' asked Eva.
'Just a mass murderess in a concentration camp,' said Wilt, 'and don't get the idea I'm on a right-wing, flog 'em and hang 'em reactionary high because I'm not, and those idiots don't think either. I'm just mister stick-in-the-middle who doesn't know which way to jump. But my God I do think! Or try to. Now leave me in peace and discomfort and go and tell your mate Mavis that the next time she doesn't want to see an involuntary erection, not to advise you to go anywhere near Castrator Kores.'
Eva went downstairs feeling strangely invigorated. It was a long time since she'd heard Henry state his feelings so strongly and, while she didn't understand everything he'd said, and she certainly didn't think he'd been fair about the quads, it was somehow reassuring to have him assert his authority in the house. It made her feel better about having been to that awful Dr Kores with all her silly talk about...what was it?...'the sexual superiority of the female in the mammalian world'. Eva didn't want to be superior in everything and anyway, she wasn't just a mammal. She was a human being. That wasn't the same thing at all.

Li anteriormente:
Wilt (1976)
The Alternative Wilt (1979)

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